Players travel through futuristic alien worlds, metropolitan cities torn asunder by demonic corruption, and gigantic buildings taking inspiration from Renaissance-era architecture. Fantastic presentationĮxploring Doom Eternal's wicked hellscape is far more delightful than one would expect in a game that boasts brutality and violence. Thankfully, the narrative builds toward the latter half and wraps things up in an epic fashion. As muddled as the story is, it quickly takes a backseat, wasting no time throwing the player into the demon-slaying action. The narrative isn't bad, but its attempts at being self-aware and goofy while also trying to tell a cool origin story about how Doom Guy became the Doom Slayer aren't always effective.ĭoom Eternal understands the franchise too well, getting so wrapped up in its own memes that it's often difficult to engage with its more serious moments. If you're not a Doom fan, the events that occur seem to come out of nowhere. One primary issue with the game's story is that there's not much context about what is going on.